Lady having botox injections

Botox for Bruxism (tooth grinding)

Botox® for Bruxism at Woodford Medical Cambridge 

Your solution for teeth grinding and jaw clenching 

Teeth grinding, medically known as Bruxism, is a prevalent and distressing issue that not only damages teeth but can also lead to various other complications such as jaw ache, headaches, neck ache and earache. At Woodford Medical Cambridge, we offer a cutting-edge solution to address Bruxism through precisely administered Botox® injections.

Why choose Botox® for bruxism?

Traditional methods like uncomfortable mouth guards have often proven ineffective. Dr Allan and her team of medical injectors at the clinic in Cambridge provide an alternative approach, using Botox® to target and weaken the Masseter muscle, responsible for teeth grinding and clenching. Dr Allan also injects areas in the face and back of the neck to relieve migraine symptoms. This innovative treatment can alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with Bruxism.

Understanding bruxism

Bruxism can occur subconsciously during sleep and is often linked to stress or anxiety. There are two classifications:

  • Awake bruxism: Involuntary clenching of teeth and jaw bracing in response to stimuli, with no tooth grinding.
  • Sleep bruxism: Automatic teeth grinding with rhythmic and sustained jaw muscle contractions.

Effects of bruxism

Bruxism can have both short-term and permanent effects, including headaches, facial myalgia (aching of the jaw and facial muscles), disrupted sleep, and noise disturbances for partners. Sufferers often seek relief in pain clinics, looking for solutions for chronic discomfort.

Our solution for teeth grinding at Woodford Medical Cambridge

Dr Allan and her team offer a relatively painless solution to bruxism. Our highly qualified and experienced doctors can precisely inject to relax the facial muscles involved in grinding and clenching. This effectively relieves chronic pain symptoms and reduces the wear and tear on teeth and fillings. With over a decade of experience, we have successfully treated Bruxism using specially tailored techniques.

Contact us today

Don’t endure the pain of teeth grinding any longer. If you want to discuss how Botox® treatment can help you regain a sense of normality, contact our friendly Treatment Advisors today. Woodford Medical Cambridge is your trusted partner in addressing Bruxism and providing advanced solutions.


I have Botox in my forehead, eye creases and jaw for clenching. I used to wake up in pain with tension headaches, sinus pain and migraines. Since attending all this has stopped and it's amazing!

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